
A Song About Depression, Pt. 1

The Songs of Our Savior

Preached by: Phill Howell | 09/04/22

Scripture/Text: Psalm 42-43; Pastor Phill preaches this Sunday (September 4, 2022) on Psalm 42-43. The first two psalms of Book II of the Psalms, Pastor Phill argues how we should read Psalm 42 and 43 as a single psalm. The big idea this week is that no matter how far you feel God is, Psalm 42-43 collectively as one psalm offers hope and shows us that God will not abandon His king or His people in His kingdom. Focusing primarily on the context this week, we see how the hope presented in this psalm reminds us of our ultimate hope in our God, Jesus Christ. The Scripture readings from our worship service were from Psalm 1:1-6, John 12:20-29, and 1 Peter 5:10-11.