
“A Song About God's Enemies”

The Songs of Our Savior

Preached by: Phill Howell | 06/27/21

Scripture/Text: Psalm 5:1-12; The big idea for this weeks sermon from Psalm 5:1-12 is that God loves the righteous, but he hates the wicked. While this message initially seems simple, this sermon explores three questions in an attempt to get at the heart of this idea: 1) Is this what Psalm 5 is really about? 2) Why is this a message in the Bible? 3) Who then is the Bible talking about? Through answering these three questions it becomes clear that the line between good and evil is not primarily drawn between individuals, rather it is a line that is drawn through each one of us, as those created in God's image yet tainted by corruption and sin. From this we learn the truth that it is through Jesus and his sacrificial death on our behalf that those who were wicked can become God's people and can rest in the abundance of his steadfast love.