
“A Song About Infants”

The Songs of Our Savior

Preached by: Phill Howell | 07/25/21

Scripture/Text: Psalm 8:1-9; The big idea for this weeks sermon from Psalm 8:1-9 is that God's power is perfected through weak humans. Through Psalm 8, particularly by focusing in on verse 2, we understand that God hears the cries of those who are weak and vulnerable, especially the cries of infants. We see God's concern for the weak in how God heard the cries of David throughout the Psalms, through how God hears the cries of infants in Scripture, and through how God ultimately heard the cries of Jesus, born as an infant and the Son of David, who died in weakness in order that he might rise in victory and end all suffering and oppression of the weak and vulnerable.