
A Song About Man's Sin and God's Love

The Songs of Our Savior

Preached by: Phill Howell | 03/06/22

Scripture/Text: None; This week's message is the 36th sermon in our series through the first book of Psalms. The big idea of this message is that no matter how deep we are enslaved to sin, the love of Christ is able to set us free. Psalm 36 provides a description of the sinfulness of sin in verses 1-4 and then a description of the steadfast love of the Lord in verses 5-9. The final verses offer a prayer based upon these two descriptions. In order to apply Psalm 36 to our church and world, Pastor Phill discussed some of the debates surrounding addiction that occur inside and outside of the church. We compared the description of the wicked in Psalm 36 with the ways people talk about addiction today. It was then argued that the description of God's love provides the only true source of life and hope for all sinners and even the very worse addicts. That is because no matter how bad the sin or how deep the addiction, the love of God displayed through Jesus Christ is what will set us free.