
A Song About Poor People

The Songs of Our Savior

Preached by: Phill Howell | 04/10/22

Scripture/Text: Psalm 41:1-13; Pastor Phill Howell provides the 41st sermon of the Songs of the Savior series by expositing Psalm 41. The big idea this week is that because God's king is merciful to the poor, he will receive mercy when he is poor. The language in this big idea reflects Matthew 5:7. Psalm 41 shows us the posture of poverty (v. 1-3), the position of poverty (v. 4-10), and the king's confidence in God's deliverance out of his state of poverty (v. 11-12). The concluding 13th verse concludes the entire Book I of the Psalms (Psalms 1-41). Jesus Christ, the King of all, embodied verses 11-12 on the cross. His enemies did not triumph over him, and he was set in the presence of God forever. The scripture readings from our worship service were from John 13:12-20 for the prayer of confession and John 12:46 for the assurance of pardon.