
A Song About Restoring Creation's Order

The Songs of Our Savior

Preached by: Phill Howell | 07/28/24

Scripture/Text: Psalm 104:1-35; Psalm 104 is a God-inspired poem meditating on the creation account from Genesis. In this sermon, Pastor Phill illustrates the structure of this Psalm by comparing and contrasting it with the order of the first seven days of creation. By celebrating and affirming the order of creation, this psalm teaches us to go outside and enjoy the goodness of creation. It celebrates that God created a people, a place, and gave His presence to dwell in this world. Yet, Jesus has come to provide the world with final rest through His death, resurrection, and promised return to renew all creation. All of this leads us to sing the famous lyric, "Allelujah" (Praise the LORD).

Discussion Questions:

What is the importance of creation having an order in our daily lives?
How does knowing Gen 1:1 - 3 help us further understand Psalm 104?
How does meditating on God's word day and night benefit us?
What is the importance of knowing that everything is ultimately made by God?
How do we worship God by enjoying the things he has made?
How does God's word help us further understand the gift and knowledge of science?
What was creation's goal?
What is the importance of there being an end to sin?