
A Song About the City of God

The Songs of Our Savior

Preached by: Nate Praytor | 07/24/22

Scripture/Text: Psalm 46:1-11; Guest preacher and pastor Nate Praytor preaches this Sunday (July 24, 2022) on Psalm 46. The big idea this week is in Jesus Christ, God is our refuge in our troubles by making us citizens of the city of God in order that we may behold His saving works and rest in Him. Pastor Nate shows us what is being conveyed in the psalm, how God is our refuge during times in trouble, and why God is our refuge. The transcendent God made Himself present to His people in the flesh: Jesus Christ. God has descended to us so that we can ascend to Him. The Scripture readings from our worship service were from Revelation 22:1-7 and 1 Peter 5:10-11.