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Act 3: The Restoration of God's Place

Acts: Our Church HIStory

Preached by: Phill Howell | 09/08/24

Scripture/Text: Acts 2:1-41; In Acts 2, after the Spirit gives the disciples the gift of tongues, they ask, "What does this mean?” This is the central question driving this week's sermon in our short study of Acts 1-2.
Pastor Phill guides us through three key questions to understand the meaning of the gift of tongues: First, when did the gift of tongues occur? It happened at Pentecost, the moment God planned to fulfill His promise of pouring out His Spirit. Pentecost mirrors the event at Mount Sinai, where God gave His law. In Acts 2, the Spirit replaces the law written on stone by writing it on our hearts.
Second, where did the gift of tongues happen? The Spirit descended not in the Jerusalem temple but in a random house—symbolizing that God's presence is no longer confined to one location but is now accessible everywhere. This parallels how the internet evolved from large, centralized systems to portable devices. In a greater sense, Jesus' ascension makes God's power and presence available everywhere on earth.
Third, what does speaking in tongues mean? The gift of tongues represents Spirit-filled speech, which is the power of God for salvation to all who believe. The event in Acts 2 redeems and reverses the story of the Tower of Babel: where humans sought to build their way to heaven and make their own name great, Pentecost marks God's Spirit coming down so that His people can disperse, carrying His name to the ends of the earth
.Through these three questions, Pastor Phill reveals how Acts 2 not only answers the crowd's question, “What does this mean?” but also unveils the power and purpose of Spirit-filled speaking for the unity and mission of the Church.

Sermon Outline:
1. When did they speak in tongues? At Pentecost—the Father's appointed time to fulfill His promises.
2. Where did they speak in tongues? In an unnamed house in Jerusalem, but NOT in the temple.
3. What does speaking in tongues mean? It is Spirit-filled speech is God's power for salvation.

Discussion Questions:
• What is the importance of having unity in the gospel?
• what is the gift of tongues and what does it mean?
• what is the purpose of the day of Pentecost? How does Acts 1:4-8 help us further understand the purpose?
• How do the events at Mount Sinai help us understand the ministry of the spirit?
• How does the temple in Jerusalem give significance to the ministry of the Holy Spirit now?
• How does God's plan to restore Israel give importance to understanding God's plan for the world?
• What is the importance of us teaching the Bible and what it means to one another?
• How have we seen God's word being spoken impact and change your life?