Old Letters With New Life

Receiving His Message

Old Letters With New Life

Preached by: Phill Howell | 12/31/23

Scripture/Text: 1 John 1:5; The entire letter of 1 John can be described as an invitation to receive a message that is for us, from him, and about him. That was The big idea for this weeks sermon from Pastor Phill. 1 John is a message that was given for us today, it a message from him (Jesus), and it is a message about Him (Jesus). Even though 1 John was not originally written directly to us because we were not the original audience, it was written for us. The message that John is writing and proclaiming in this book is from Jesus Christ. John did not make it up, he got it from God. More specifically, he got it from the god-man, Jesus Christ. Furthermore, it is not only a message from Jesus, it is also a message about Jesus. In sum, 1 John 1:5 teaches that He is light and in him is no darkness at all.