Seeking and Savoring God in Obedience to His Word
The Songs of Our Savior
Scripture/Text: Psalm 119:1-10; In this sermon, we explore Psalm 119, focusing on verses 2 and 10, to understand the centrality of God's Word in the life of believers. The main point of this message is to seek and savor God through obedience to His Word, finding true blessedness in His presence. Psalm 119 clearly emphasizes that obedience to God's Word is not a means to earn salvation but a pathway to experiencing the fullness of joy and blessedness in God Himself. The sermon highlights that salvation is not just about being saved from sin but being saved for God, to know, love, and enjoy Him forever. Therefore, obedience to God's Word is a gracious gift that draws us closer to God, allowing us to experience the joy and fulfillment found only in Him. Through Christ, who is the perfect embodiment of obedience, we are called to follow Him in a life of self-giving love and obedience, seeking God as our ultimate good and the fulfillment of our deepest desires.
Sermon Outline:
Seek God through Obedience
Obedience to God's Word is a journey toward Him, not just a set of rules.
The goal of obedience is to draw near to God and experience His presence.
Savor God as Your Greatest Good
God is the ultimate fulfillment of our desires and the source of true blessedness.
Salvation is not just about being saved from sin but being saved for God.
Follow Christ in Obedience
Jesus is the way to God, having perfectly obeyed the Father.
Our obedience should reflect Christ's self-giving, sacrificial love, leading us closer to God.
Find Blessedness in God's Presence
The path of obedience leads to eternal joy and pleasures in God's presence.
Through Christ, we are invited to journey toward the fullness of life in God.
Discussion Questions:
How does Jesus' sacrifice for our sins lead us to follow His example of obedience to God?
What are ways you have seen God bring you back to obedience in your walk with Him?
How has obedience to God brought more blessings & happiness in your life?
How does Philippians 2:8-9 demonstrate the path of obedience for us?
How has savoring the Word of God impacted your obedience to Him?
In what ways is knowing the specifics of justification, sanctification, & glorification helpful in your everyday life?
How does meeting together regularly with believers help us be obedient and depend upon God more and more?
What are contributing factors that keep us from disobeying God's Word?